錬金術師の挨拶/Alchemist's Greeting (Mystery Booster)
矢の嵐/Arrow Storm (Mystery Booster)
アタルカのイフリート/Atarka Efreet (Mystery Booster)
アヴァラックス/Avarax (Mystery Booster)
アズラの求刃者/Azra Bladeseeker (Mystery Booster)
バルデュヴィアの大軍/Balduvian Horde (Mystery Booster)
突発的な兵長/Barging Sergeant (Mystery Booster)
石弾の弾幕/Barrage of Boulders (Mystery Booster)
戦闘塁壁/Battle Rampart (Mystery Booster)
戦装飾のシャーマン/Battle-Rattle Shaman (Mystery Booster)
ふいごトカゲ/Bellows Lizard (Mystery Booster)
ヴェリズ・ヴェルの刃/Blades of Velis Vel (Mystery Booster)
爆炎の稲妻/Blastfire Bolt (Mystery Booster)
猛火の斉射/Blazing Volley (Mystery Booster)
眩光破/Blindblast (Mystery Booster)
血のオーガ/Blood Ogre (Mystery Booster)
沸血の熟練者/Bloodfire Expert (Mystery Booster)
血に飢えた振起者/Bloodlust Inciter (Mystery Booster)
血狂いの吸血鬼/Bloodmad Vampire (Mystery Booster)
血石のゴブリン/Bloodstone Goblin (Mystery Booster)
家の吹き飛ばし/Blow Your House Down (Mystery Booster)
かすむ刀剣/Blur of Blades (Mystery Booster)
ボガートの粗暴者/Boggart Brute (Mystery Booster)
沸き立つ大地/Boiling Earth (Mystery Booster)
砲撃/Bombard (Mystery Booster)
爆弾部隊/Bomber Corps (Mystery Booster)
敵意借用/Borrowed Hostility (Mystery Booster)
巨岩投下/Boulder Salvo (Mystery Booster)
鉄面連合の海賊/Brazen Buccaneers (Mystery Booster)
猛々しい狼/Brazen Wolves (Mystery Booster)
打ち倒し/Bring Low (Mystery Booster)
凶暴な力/Brute Strength (Mystery Booster)
撃砕確約/Built to Smash (Mystery Booster)
噴出の稲妻/Burst Lightning (Mystery Booster)
峡谷に潜むもの/Canyon Lurkers (Mystery Booster)
激情のカルトーシュ/Cartouche of Zeal (Mystery Booster)
安堵の再会/Cathartic Reunion (Mystery Booster)
チャンドラの螺旋炎/Chandra's Pyrohelix (Mystery Booster)
チャンドラの革命/Chandra's Revolution (Mystery Booster)
黒焦げ牙のクーガー/Chartooth Cougar (Mystery Booster)
溶滓のへリオン/Cinder Hellion (Mystery Booster)
Cleansing Screech (Mystery Booster)
暴れ玉石/Cobblebrute (Mystery Booster)
宇宙粒子波/Cosmotronic Wave (Mystery Booster)
突破/Crash Through (Mystery Booster)
民衆の好意/Crowd's Favor (Mystery Booster)
王位狙いの雇われ人/Crown-Hunter Hireling (Mystery Booster)
反抗するオーガ/Defiant Ogre (Mystery Booster)
破砕/Demolish (Mystery Booster)
砂漠セロドン/Desert Cerodon (Mystery Booster)
破壊的細工/Destructive Tampering (Mystery Booster)
直流/Direct Current (Mystery Booster)
血の不穏/Distemper of the Blood (Mystery Booster)
ドラゴンの卵/Dragon Egg (Mystery Booster)
ドラゴンの餌/Dragon Fodder (Mystery Booster)
竜魂の騎士/Dragonsoul Knight (Mystery Booster)
両手撃ち/Dual Shot (Mystery Booster)
馬力充電/Dynacharge (Mystery Booster)
大地の精霊/Earth Elemental (Mystery Booster)
エムラクールの孵化者/Emrakul's Hatcher (Mystery Booster)