切望するマーフォーク/Wishful Merfolk (Mystery Booster)
実在への書き込み/Write into Being (Mystery Booster)
ヴィスの吸収/Absorb Vis (Mystery Booster)
呪われたスピリット/Accursed Spirit (Mystery Booster)
負傷者の手当て/Aid the Fallen (Mystery Booster)
アリーシャの先兵/Alesha's Vanguard (Mystery Booster)
路地の絞殺者/Alley Strangler (Mystery Booster)
祭壇の刈り取り/Altar's Reap (Mystery Booster)
霊基体の野心家/Ambitious Aetherborn (Mystery Booster)
先祖の復讐/Ancestral Vengeance (Mystery Booster)
バーラ・ゲドの蠍/Bala Ged Scorpion (Mystery Booster)
欄干のスパイ/Balustrade Spy (Mystery Booster)
張り出し櫓のコウモリ/Bartizan Bats (Mystery Booster)
苦々しい天啓/Bitter Revelation (Mystery Booster)
黒猫/Black Cat (Mystery Booster)
焼印刃/Bladebrand (Mystery Booster)
ベルゼンロックの祝福/Blessing of Belzenlok (Mystery Booster)
枯死コウモリ/Blighted Bat (Mystery Booster)
病み土のドルイド/Blightsoil Druid (Mystery Booster)
水膨れ地掘り/Blistergrub (Mystery Booster)
血儀式の発動者/Bloodrite Invoker (Mystery Booster)
骨の粉砕/Bone Splinters (Mystery Booster)
エムラクールの加護/Boon of Emrakul (Mystery Booster)
解体者の歓び/Butcher's Glee (Mystery Booster)
大笑いのインプ/Cackling Imp (Mystery Booster)
死者のインプ/Cadaver Imp (Mystery Booster)
カリゴの皮魔女/Caligo Skin-Witch (Mystery Booster)
屍肉インプ/Carrion Imp (Mystery Booster)
地下墓地のクロコダイル/Catacomb Crocodile (Mystery Booster)
地下墓地のナメクジ/Catacomb Slug (Mystery Booster)
生命の危機/Certain Death (Mystery Booster)
夜の子/Child of Night (Mystery Booster)
毒塗り/Coat with Venom (Mystery Booster)
高くつく略奪/Costly Plunder (Mystery Booster)
血の誓約/Covenant of Blood (Mystery Booster)
居すくみ/Cower in Fear (Mystery Booster)
ひどい荒廃/Crippling Blight (Mystery Booster)
闇告げカラス/Crow of Dark Tidings (Mystery Booster)
呪われたミノタウルス/Cursed Minotaur (Mystery Booster)
果敢な爆破/Daring Demolition (Mystery Booster)
闇の試み/Dark Dabbling (Mystery Booster)
暗黒の儀式/Dark Ritual (Mystery Booster)
闇の萎縮/Dark Withering (Mystery Booster)
死の歓楽者/Dead Reveler (Mystery Booster)
死橋のシャーマン/Deadbridge Shaman (Mystery Booster)
巧射艦隊の拷問者/Deadeye Tormentor (Mystery Booster)
死の否定/Death Denied (Mystery Booster)
押し倒し/Defeat (Mystery Booster)
悪魔の掌握/Demon's Grasp (Mystery Booster)
悪魔的活力/Demonic Vigor (Mystery Booster)
自暴自棄の漂流者/Desperate Castaways (Mystery Booster)
悪魔の布告/Diabolic Edict (Mystery Booster)
短命/Die Young (Mystery Booster)
恐竜ハンター/Dinosaur Hunter (Mystery Booster)
戦慄の葬送歌/Dirge of Dread (Mystery Booster)
縁切られた先祖/Disowned Ancestor (Mystery Booster)
悪運尽きた造反者/Doomed Dissenter (Mystery Booster)
薄暗がりへの消失/Douse in Gloom (Mystery Booster)
戦慄の徒食者/Dread Drone (Mystery Booster)
戦慄運びのランパード/Dreadbringer Lampads (Mystery Booster)