もみ消し/Stifle (MP2)
漸減/Attrition (MP2)
栄光の神バントゥ/Bontu the Glorified (MP2)
悪魔の意図/Diabolic Intent (MP2)
暗黒の儀式/Dark Ritual (MP2)
納墓/Entomb (MP2)
精神錯乱/Mind Twist (MP2)
追い討ち/Aggravated Assault (MP2)
稲妻の連鎖/Chain Lightning (MP2)
熱烈の神ハゾレト/Hazoret the Fervent (MP2)
不屈の神ロナス/Rhonas the Indomitable (MP2)
大渦の脈動/Maelstrom Pulse (MP2)
名誉回復/Vindicate (MP2)
ハルマゲドン/Armageddon (MP2)
転覆/Capsize (MP2)
禁止/Forbid (MP2)
全知/Omniscience (MP2)
対立/Opposition (MP2)
隔離/Sunder (MP2)
不忠の糸/Threads of Disloyalty (MP2)
悲哀の化身/Avatar of Woe (MP2)
滅び/Damnation (MP2)
荒廃の天使/Desolation Angel (MP2)
悪魔の布告/Diabolic Edict (MP2)
最後の審判/Doomsday (MP2)
無慈悲/No Mercy (MP2)
殺戮の契約/Slaughter Pact (MP2)
思考囲い/Thoughtseize (MP2)
血染めの月/Blood Moon (MP2)
沸騰/Boil (MP2)
粉砕の嵐/Shatterstorm (MP2)
裂け目の突破/Through the Breach (MP2)
窒息/Choke (MP2)
蝗の神/The Locust God (MP2)
絶滅の王/Lord of Extinction (MP2)
スカラベの神/The Scarab God (MP2)
蠍の神/The Scorpion God (MP2)
激変の機械巨人/Cataclysmic Gearhulk (MP1)
奔流の機械巨人/Torrential Gearhulk (MP1)
害悪の機械巨人/Noxious Gearhulk (MP1)
焼却の機械巨人/Combustible Gearhulk (MP1)
新緑の機械巨人/Verdurous Gearhulk (MP1)
霊気の薬瓶/AEther Vial (MP1)
勇者の兜/Champion's Helm (MP1)
彩色の灯籠/Chromatic Lantern (MP1)
金属モックス/Chrome Mox (MP1)
雲石の工芸品/Cloudstone Curio (MP1)
世界のるつぼ/Crucible of Worlds (MP1)
魔力の篭手/Gauntlet of Power (MP1)
搭載歩行機械/Hangarback Walker (MP1)
稲妻のすね当て/Lightning Greaves (MP1)
水蓮の花びら/Lotus Petal (MP1)
魔力の墓所/Mana Crypt (MP1)
魔力の櫃/Mana Vault (MP1)
精神の眼/Mind's Eye (MP1)
オパールのモックス/Mox Opal (MP1)
絵描きの召使い/Painter's Servant (MP1)
ブライトハースの指輪/Rings of Brighthearth (MP1)
巻物棚/Scroll Rack (MP1)
彫り込み鋼/Sculpting Steel (MP1)