エルフの戦練者/Elvish Warmaster (LTC)
起源の波/Genesis Wave (LTC)
金のガチョウ/Gilded Goose (LTC)
英雄的介入/Heroic Intervention (LTC)
女王スズメバチ/Hornet Queen (LTC)
豊穣の碑文/Inscription of Abundance (LTC)
圧倒する暴走/Overwhelming Stampede (LTC)
楽園のドルイド/Paradise Druid (LTC)
領域の探求者/Realm Seekers (LTC)
蘇生の二粒/Seeds of Renewal (LTC)
森の捧げ物/Sylvan Offering (LTC)
森滅ぼしの最長老/Woodfall Primus (LTC)
苦渋の破棄/Anguished Unmaking (LTC)
人質取り/Hostage Taker (LTC)
概念泥棒/Notion Thief (LTC)
至高の評決/Supreme Verdict (LTC)
彩色の灯籠/Chromatic Lantern (LTC)
運命の扉/Door of Destinies (LTC)
交易所/Trading Post (LTC)
勝者の戦旗/Vanquisher's Banner (LTC)
失われし夢の井戸/Well of Lost Dreams (LTC)
戦場の鍛冶場/Battlefield Forge (LTC)
低木林地/Brushland (LTC)
梢の眺望/Canopy Vista (LTC)
詰まった河口/Choked Estuary (LTC)
断崖の避難所/Clifftop Retreat (LTC)
僻地の灯台/Desolate Lighthouse (LTC)
竜髑髏の山頂/Dragonskull Summit (LTC)
水没した地下墓地/Drowned Catacomb (LTC)
風変わりな果樹園/Exotic Orchard (LTC)
溢れかえる果樹園/Flooded Grove (LTC)
凶兆の廃墟/Foreboding Ruins (LTC)
要塞化した村/Fortified Village (LTC)
凍沸の交錯/Frostboil Snarl (LTC)
怒静の交錯/Furycalm Snarl (LTC)
氷河の城砦/Glacial Fortress (LTC)
内陸の湾港/Hinterland Harbor (LTC)
孤立した礼拝堂/Isolated Chapel (LTC)
つぶやき林/Murmuring Bosk (LTC)
屍花の交錯/Necroblossom Snarl (LTC)
港町/Port Town (LTC)
大草原の川/Prairie Stream (LTC)
回復の温泉/Rejuvenating Springs (LTC)
まばらな木立ち/Scattered Groves (LTC)
光影の交錯/Shineshadow Snarl (LTC)
燻る湿地/Smoldering Marsh (LTC)
硫黄の滝/Sulfur Falls (LTC)
硫黄泉/Sulfurous Springs (LTC)
窪み渓谷/Sunken Hollow (LTC)
陽花弁の木立ち/Sunpetal Grove (LTC)
高層都市の玉座/Throne of the High City (LTC)
地底の大河/Underground River (LTC)
蔦明の交錯/Vineglimmer Snarl (LTC)
風立ての高地/Windbrisk Heights (LTC)
森林の墓地/Woodland Cemetery (LTC)
払拭の光/Banishing Light (LTC)
悪鬼の狩人/Fiend Hunter (LTC)
宮殿の看守/Palace Jailer (LTC)
流刑への道/Path to Exile (LTC)
黄昏の享楽/Sunset Revelry (LTC)